Brad Gaither has over 30years experience in public accounting with significant experience in design, implementation, administration, and auditsof retirement and benefit plans, as well as, business tax planning andtax compliance. Member of ASPA, ASCPA, Little Rock Chamber of Commerce, Arkansas State Society of CPA’s Public Relations Task Force.
Tannen Hollenberg has over 30 years of experience as a certified public accountant in public practice. He has a background in insurance administration prior to entering the accounting profession. He was born and raised in Little Rock, and he completed his accounting degree at UALR. He is married with three adult daughters, and enjoys hunting, fishing, and playing music in his spare time.
The information contained on this website is presented for informational and marketing purposes only and is not to be understood as financial advice. You should consult with a representative from our Gaither & Hollenberg PLLC for further information, the mere act of contacting Gaither & Hollenberg PLLC does not create a client relationship. As a result, you should never send any confidential information to our office until representation or client relationship has been established.